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About Sabine Chapter of Credit Unions

Sabine Chapter of Credit Unions is comprised of approximately 21 credit unions, located throughout the Southeast Texas region.  These credit unions represent a wide range of member and asset sizes, with each of them bringing something valuable to the chapter.  


The credit union industry and Sabine Chapter of Credit Unions take pride in serving our communities to the best of our abilities.  We take pride and are proud to be able to unite together as a Chapter.  This unity not only helps our credit unions succeed, but it is this unity that helps us fulfill the credit union philosophy of "People helping people".  

At our dinner meetings, you may notice the comradeship of those in attendance.  Through this networking, each credit union has something to contribute, as well as the opportunity to obtain useful knowledge and experience.


The SCCU Board of Directors strive to keep each meeting's topic as relevant as possible to our industry.  We try to stay aware of the latest trends and current news regarding governmental and industry topics, data breaches, safety and other "hot" topics that are deemed relevant to our geographical region and our credit union industry.


As a chapter, we are honored to be an avid supporter of Children's Miracle Network (CMN) through Credit Unions for Kids.  CMN helps provide care for local children who receive medical treatment. Our largest fundraiser for this amazing organization is our Kid's Classic Golf Tournament. This is hosted each year in the Fall.


As another effort of our chapter, we support our Credit Union legislation through the Cornerstone Foundation.  This allows us to support the Credit Union Movement, no matter anyone's political party affiliation.  Our support of this matter, allows our governing officials to advocate for the best interest of our credit union industry.  

The Credit Union Movement


We recognize the value of cooperative efforts, mutual instruction and social contact can be more efficiently enhanced through organization.  The Credit Union Movement belongs to the credit unions and their members, all of which are motivated by the same principles and perform the same services under the laws they are organized.  To operate efficiently, the credit unions are organized in national association (the National Association in the World Council of Credit Unions), grouped into state leagues and into chapters; thus, making Sabine Chapter of Credit Unions an integral part of the Credit Union Movement.

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